It is more evident than ever that as human beings, working and playing, supporting our families, friends and other individuals, we must recognize we are all one, coming together with unique backgrounds, experiences and gifts. Treating each other with care and respect, understanding our similarities and celebrating our differences helps to define us as individuals and contributes to a strong organizational culture, vibrant communities and general happiness. Whether you are building a team who appreciates and motivates each other or trying to hire the right candidate who will be a fit for your organization, there are a few things we can do to support these efforts.
This week’s TallSky topics for you:
- Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination – A timely reminder
- Video Interview Tips for Employees
Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination – A timely reminder
The past few days’ events have driven home the need for us all to understand each other, treat each other with respect, fairness, kindness, civility and honesty, and to communicate in a genuine, honourable and equitable manner. As employers, you are required to have a Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination Policy for your organization that clearly defines what constitutes these behaviours and the escalation process to resolve issues in your workplace. You must be able to demonstrate that this has been communicated and all employees have been trained in this area. Ideally, you will ensure there is a signed acknowledgement on every employee’s file to confirm their understanding of your policy. Attached is a Human Rights in BC Fact Sheet for more information. Please let us know if you require any assistance in preparing or updating your Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination guidelines.
Video Interviews Tips for Employees
On a somewhat lighter note, as we slowly emerge from our homes and as businesses begin to reopen, the demand for great candidates to fill positions is growing in some organizations. For the next little while, video interviews should be the favoured choice over in-person meetings. This week, we bring you some high-level tips on being involved in remote interviews from the candidate’s point of view. Whether by Zoom, Face Time, Skype, GoToMeetings, or teleconference, we believe the following check-list will help interviewees ‘shine’ at remote interviews. When you help the interviewee be prepared, relaxed and ready for you, you will have a greater opportunity to really get to know the candidate and assess not just their education/experience, skills and other qualities but also how they might fit into your organization and culture.
For your candidate, advise them to:
- Select a location for the interview that is free of distractions and is guaranteed to be quiet for the entire duration of the interview.
- Check the background (what the interviewer or panel will see when they see the candidate). Ideally make it clutter free and business-like, and well-lit.
- Dress as though you are attending the interview in person.
- Look into the camera so you are speaking directly to the interviewer or panel.
- Test your equipment, camera, and microphone ahead of time, as well as the software connection (e.g. Zoom) with whoever has arranged your interview.
- Be ready to go 10 minutes before your scheduled interview. Be early, this gives you more opportunity to practice deep breathing and your beautiful smile.
- What if there are technical difficulties? These things do happen, and remaining calm during these glitches will go a long way in demonstrating your ability to handle unexpected situations.
- Have a copy of your resume, the job description, and any questions you may have been sent ahead of time printed and in front of you with a pad of paper and 2 pens (plus a glass of water).
- Share information so the candidate can do some homework before the interview:
- Share who the interviewer or who is on the panel, and their titles; the candidate should write this down and try to address the interviewees b name during the interview;
- Do your research on the organization and the position; be prepared to tell the interviewer(s) about the job and the company or organization;
- Have 3 questions prepared to ask them at the end of the interview if there is still time. Ensure these don’t require long-winded answers as this may be annoying for the interviewer or panel; however, as this may be your only chance to speak with them, you are welcome to ask them a few questions of your own. Try to ensure your questions don’t require more than about 10 minutes of their time in total.
Next week we will focus on remote interviewing from the interviewer or panel’s perspective, and include some tips for asking questions in a remote interview setting.
Our team at TallSky Consulting continues to support our clients, new and valued. If there is anything we can do to assist you in ensuring your Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination policies are strong or help you recruit truly talented candidates, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We continue to offer our expertise as and when you need it, and from our virtual offices to yours.
DISCLAIMER: The information is provided as general information on these topics, and given the rapidly evolving environment, they may not be relevant with recent updates or changes on the topic. These materials are not meant to be a substitute for specific legal advice. Please do not rely solely upon this information for making decisions regarding employees in your workplace.