Is your organization actively recruiting? Is it committed to a workplace of diversity and inclusion? The TallSky team has been informed about a very exciting upcoming employment event in Victoria, BC. Employers, and newcomers and immigrants to Canada are invited to attend a new kind of “career fair” that offers an opportunity to build relationships, to participate in facilitated discussion, and to share experiences and address barriers and misconceptions. It’s a chance to create meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities together!

Newcomers and immigrants to Canada are the future of the Canadian labour force, bringing advanced education, global versatility, adaptability, multilingualism, and a drive to succeed. The goal is to personally connect prospective employers and employees, to break down barriers, address misconceptions, discover one another’s assets and build relationships that lead to meaningful and sustainable employment in our community. The EOE is open to all newcomers and immigrants to Canada and to actively recruiting employers interested in growing their intercultural competencies and learning how to support a workplace of inclusion and diversity.

The Employment Opportunity Exchange is scheduled on April 9, 2019 in Victoria, BC.

Here is the invitation: EOE-Invitation-2019

Here is a link to the Employment Opportunity Exchange held last year, and it offers a wonderful overview from one of Canada’s newcomers. Finding Myself Before Being Found BY LARA COSTA

To find out more about the Employment Opportunity Exchange or to RSVP, contact: Fiona Bramble | Founder/President, Here Magazine