Our economy prior to Covid-19 was growing rapidly and we were all looking forward to an outstanding 2020. While our world has paused somewhat, Canada has come together – our governments, communities, and families, to ensure we minimize the spread and ultimately...
As we prepare for Phase II in BC following this coming long weekend, we can begin focusing on other topics and moving forward. This week, in addition to bringing you up-to-date on provincial and federal programs, we are highlighting the joy of mentoring. Having a...
With recent provincial news about the potential relaxing of some social restrictions in time for the May long weekend, you may be thinking about how you can balance the need to re-open your business with the cautious planning required to ensure a healthy and safe...
Another month of social distancing and self-isolation is drawing to a close. It’s possible we are nearing the time when we can let down our guard a little bit, breathe deeply and consider some expanded activities, perhaps even consider opening our offices and shops...
As employers, we find ourselves trying to manage or simply sustain our business through unprecedented time. How we respond in these times may make the difference. One thing is certain – we all need to keep moving forward each day knowing we will get through this –...
As employers, we are responsible for the health and well-being of our employees in the workplace. This has never been more important than now, as we find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic. Movement and exercise can lift our spirits, improve our physical fitness,...